
Take care of a road and its surrounding public spaces. Adopt-A-Street is an excellent way to keep Austin beautiful!

Man in a bucket hat bent over a bush on the side of the road.
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Keeping our streets clean
About the program

What is Adopt-A-Street?

Keep Austin Beautiful launched the Adopt-a-Street program as a way to help keep our streets clean and litter-free. Adopting groups take care of roads and surrounding public spaces throughout Austin, picking up trash along their adopted street segment.

Click below to adopt a street today – it’s a great way to show your civic pride, engage with colleagues and friends, and build community ties.

Discover streets available for adoption near you

Looking for an Adopt-A-Street opportunity in your area? Use our interactive map tool to see what streets need your help. 

Map of Austin with pins placed on Keep Austin Beautiful conservation locations.

What being an Adopt-A-Street partner entails

Adopting groups receive free cleanup supplies, project guidance, and trash collection services from Keep Austin Beautiful. As part of an adopting group, you are required to:

  • Adopt at least 1/2 a mile within the City of Austin for two years
  • Host four cleanups a year along the adopted segment (one of which will be in April to coincide with Keep Austin Beautiful Day)
  • Submit reports about each cleanup
  • Pay the Adopt-a-Street yearly sponsorship fee

Adopt-A-Street is for groups only – individuals are not eligible to adopt a street segment. Annual adoption sponsorships are based on the type of organization adopting and are a minimum two-year commitment:

  • $125 per year ($250 total): community groups or nonprofit
  • $750 per year ($1,500 total): small businesses (fewer than 100 employees)
  • $1,500 per year ($3,000 total): large businesses (100 or more employees)

For more information, email our team.

Street sign for Congress Avenue in Austin, Texas.
White icon of a sprout with four leaves.

Submit your application

Ready to adopt your very own segment of Austin? Click below to submit your application today!

Black icon of a piece of paper.

Impact report form

Adopting groups are required to fill out and submit a report after each cleanup that takes place.

Black icon of a star inside of two droplets.

Request supplies

Keep Austin Beautiful will provide you with any supplies you need to run a successful cleanup.

Other Opportunities

There are so many ways to get involved with our mission

A volunteer with a green trash bag in a park.
White icon of a globe.

Keep Austin Beautiful Day

Annual city-wide service

Each April, Keep Austin Beautiful is joined by thousands of volunteers to remove litter, as well as restore green spaces and waterways across the city of Austin. 

Several Keep Austin Beautiful volunteers picking up trash on a neighborhood street.
White icon of a globe.

Community Cleanups

Organize a cleanup

In addition to the events we host throughout the year, we invite you to organize your own! We provide you with all of the supplies you need to run a successful cleanup.

Aerial view of Barton Springs.
White icon of a globe.


Protect our waterways

Adopt a segment of Austin creeks for up to two years and four restoration projects, including litter cleanup, native grass and wildflower seeding, tree planting, and more.

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